Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Power of an Accessory

While at work the other day I had a sudden epiphany. As I folded, straightened and sighed my coworker stopped and looked at me. With a smile she said,"You look really nice today." After my thank you response we continued on with our work and helping of customers.
A few hours later another coworker came in to work. We chatted away happily amongst the sale items and such. Suddenly she too stops and asks if I am going somewhere special. Upon my negative reply she states that I am dressed up. I look down at my attire. I really don't notice anything vastly different. Khaki capris- check. Blue nice t-shirt- check. Cute wedge flip flops- check. So okay, I look nice, but something has to be different. Then I feel it; the extra weight around my neck....the clunky blue stone necklace I bought years ago at Lane Bryant. I had added it on a whim today, feeling like a little something different.
Obviously the difference was vast. I had not only one, but two people comment. The power of the accessory is great. So, my advice to you is that if you want to add a little spring to your step, a little zing to your zang, a little extra something..... invest in accessories. They can make the common seem uncommon.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Car shopping concluded

So, did you know that car shopping can make you feel physically ill? Yep- it does. First of all, we bought a car today. This is a good thing and I think we paid a fair price. BUT, here it comes, I feel sick to my stomach and upset. This is what happens to me when I spend (or commit to spend) a large sum of money. My innards get knotted and twist and turn and make my life unpleasant. Then my mood plummets and I can't enjoy myself or my new purchase. Nothing but time will ease my plight. I should be overjoyed and jumping up and down, but I am not. My husband can barely contain his glee at our new ride, but tries to keep a lid on it for fear of making me more upset. It is a double edged sword.

I sit here and wonder what is wrong with me. I should be happy that I have a new vehicle- a swagger wagon to boot. This car will be perfect for my family for the next few years.

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out...

Friday, July 2, 2010

car shopping

So, we have been shopping for a new car. Can I just tell you how much car shopping sucks? Well, it does. As my sister commented, it is worse than bathing suit and jean shopping rolled into one. Seriously, there are so many different options. There is make, model, year and then there are all the little options! I haven't even broached the price.

As soon as you arrive in the lot, the salesmen are :
"I will give you a great deal."
"Just let me work with some numbers."
"I will give you top dollar on your trade in."
"Not a problem."
"We can do that for you."
They don't mention that they don't really have the clout. They rope you in and then hand you off to the head honcho. One place took off a mere $100. Most places took off a few hundred. Then you feel the pressure and the feeling of "Oh crap- if I don't buy it now, someone else will. What if this is the car I need? What if???" Then when you do decide to go home and think about it they sell the car to someone else. OR they tell you they have a specific car on the lot and you drive 45 minutes to see it and they miraculously "sold it" while you were in transit. Aghhhh!

OK- that is merely the tip of the oh shit car shopping iceberg.

So we may or may not get a new car tomorrow. We have been looking for about a week and a half.... hopefully we get a new one soon. I really hate car shopping.