Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just Me

For years now my family and friends have encouraged me to write. I have made one excuse after the other not to... Too busy, I have to take care of the girls, I have to work, The house is a mess, I'm too tired, LAUNDRY (my favorite)... the list goes on.

These last few days I think I finally realized why I have not put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard in this case)- who is going to read it? Will people really find interesting the same things that I do? Will they find me creative and funny? Will they hold their breathe in anticipation of what I write next? Finally... I came to the conclusion of - SO WHAT! I am going to write and dream and share my thoughts. If people are interested then that is great! If not, oh well- I have expressed my thoughts and views. Or I have shared a wonderful story that has been trapped in my head for years. Or maybe I have just chosen to vent. Regardless, I have decided that it is time to get out there and try. If I never try then I will never succeed.

So- Hello World! Here I am! You will be hearing more from me soon.