Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More than a doll

Looking over I see her laying haphazardly on the sofa. She has been abandoned; left alone in the mess that is our living room. I am shocked and a bit perturbed that she has such little meaning to my child. Really??? She was my pride and joy as a child, my constant companion and devote confidante. How could Brinly just leave her there where someone could sit on her or, even worse, throw her to the floor in complete disregard of her once great import?

I gently pick her up. Looking around sheepishly, I cradle her to my shoulder and inhale her scent. Memories from my childhood flash rapidly upon my now closed eyelids. I squeeze her close and say ,"Thank you...".

Softly I set her back upon the sofa; placing her in an upright position next to me. I look over and smile as my once constant companion is yet again by my side. I should be embarrassed, yet I am not. Remembering the small things is sometimes the most important thing you can do to realign your thoughts. For that moment I feel a since of peace and rightness. Thank you Rub A Dub..... although you now belong to my daughter, I am so glad you are still in my life.

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